Brownian Motion places specialists within specific niche sectors und consults its customers on long-term personnel planning. Because of our young and dynamic structure, Brownian Motion responds compliantly to the wishes of its clienteles and is always interested in the sustainability of its customer and candidate relationships.
The term Brownian Motion derives from the name of the Scottish botanist Robert Brown who in 1827 discovered and described the physical phenomenon and presumable random movement of atoms and molecular particles in a fluid or gas.
The company Brownian Motion shares this name because it likewise has its own dynamics and flexibility. Mathematically spoken, Brownian Motion is a formula calculating the stochastic motion of particles and giving a theoretical prediction towards the direction and movement. Even though the movement of people is just as difficult to predict, we try nonetheless to forecast the maximum of possible directions from which the most suitable can be chosen. In doing so, Brownian Motion not only supports companies in searching for the best suitable candidates but also helps candidates to make optimum use of their professional opportunities.
Our fields of competence particularly cover the sectors IT, ENERGY, FINANCE, ENGINEERING and MARKETING in which our specialists have built large and valuable international networks. The expertise of Brownian Motion is supporting companies and candidates in these sectors now and in the future. Our search methods are anything but mechanical; we operate as specialists for specialists!
Brownian Motion works with leading DAX companies and medium-sized companies so that a wide range of positions can be covered. Our geographic focus is on the DACH region. You can find our specialist areas of focus here.
With Brownian Motion you will have one specialist who will accompany you during the entire collaboration. Our specialists are very focused on specific areas. The need, industry and specialization of your skills are compared to the know-how of our individual specialists and then the most suitable is allocated. This will then also be your key contact person. This allows for a long term relationship to be created.
Apart from the necessity of support in occupying specific positions, Brownian Motion thrives in providing multiple possibilities our candidates can choose from. Our candidates receive a comprehensive, individual consultation concerning their skills and their need. Projects can also be carried out discreetly, without “spaming” your Profile on the market place. Specific search campaigns are our speciality and can be carried out if the candidate wishes. Based on the expert knowledge of our recruitment specialists the network of our clients is very detailed and will have something of interest. The collaboration enables our candidates to concentrate on their daily business.
All the interactions we have with you such as coversations, meetings, documents, interviews and further information will be dealt with as classified information. We apply ourselves to the official German Data Protection Act. Furthermore, this is another pillar of our business which is built around trust. We try build trust by working in the background and helping where needed, but also being silent where needed.
The positions on our web page depict a small number of positions that we are currently working on. The recruitment business is very fast-paced and the status in regards to positions can change very quickly. Due to our large and trustworthy relationships with companies many positions arise on short notice aand not always are marketing tolls such as adds used to find the candidates. Due to this fact it is very important for us to know what your situation is, whaw skills you have and what your preferences are. Networking with us always makes sense!
Our service bares no costs for the candidates seeking a new vacancy.
Of course you will have a full overview of our introductions in regards to your profile. You will have your own specialist contact who will discuss every position individually with you and give further details on the package at hand.
Once we have received your documents we will contact you as soon as possible. With our initial contact we hope to get to know you better on a more personal bases. In a personal meeting or via phone; our goal is to communicate transparently and get to know your preferences. This will clearly help the process of matching you with our clients. We will discuss our current projects in detail and establish the options that are suitable and have the most potential. The introduction to our clients will then follow. If mutual interest exists, the coordination and support will be our main task. We will assist you until we find what you are looking for.
Predominantly there are three contract types that exist:
- „Permanent Contract” (open ended),
- „Freelance Contract“ (Project based)
- „Temporary Contract“ (limited in time).
Brownian Motion is specialized in the recruitment of candidates who seek permanent or temporary contracts.
Permanent contracts are the most common in Europe. These are open ended contracts that are formed and normally entail a notice period when a party wishes to resign.
Freelance contracts are contracts that are created for specific projects. Once the project ends, so does the contract and the candidate moves on to another project. These contracts are normally formed between the client and the recruitment agency.
The temporary contract is based on a permanent contract but including a time constraint.
Brownian Motion wants to support you as quickly and efficiently as possible. This can only happen if we have a clear overview of you academic and professional experiences and preferences. Our goal is to give you options based on your qualifications and preferences. In order to select interesting options we need as much detailed information as possible.
An efficient process takes place once we have all the information and documentation about your professional career. An updates CV is mandatory, preferrably in German and in English. Many clients also wish to see University certificates and have further references. The more information we have the more prepared we will be.
Preferably you should send us your details digitally. The contact details of our employees you can find under “Your Team” on our web-page. If possible and due to system compatibility we prefer documents in Word format.

Brownian Motion places specialists within specific niche sectors und consults its customers on long-term personnel planning. Because of our young and dynamic structure, Brownian Motion responds compliantly to the wishes of its clienteles and is always interested in the sustainability of its customer and candidate relationships.
The term Brownian Motion derives from the name of the Scottish botanist Robert Brown who in 1827 discovered and described the physical phenomenon and presumable random movement of atoms and molecular particles in a fluid or gas.
The company Brownian Motion shares this name because it likewise has its own dynamics and flexibility. Mathematically spoken, Brownian Motion is a formula calculating the stochastic motion of particles and giving a theoretical prediction towards the direction and movement. Even though the movement of people is just as difficult to predict, we try nonetheless to forecast the maximum of possible directions from which the most suitable can be chosen. In doing so, Brownian Motion not only supports companies in searching for the best suitable candidates but also helps candidates to make optimum use of their professional opportunities.
Our fields of competence particularly cover the sectors IT, ENERGY, FINANCE, ENGINEERING and MARKETING in which our specialists have built large and valuable international networks. The expertise of Brownian Motion is supporting companies and candidates in these sectors now and in the future. Our search methods are anything but mechanical; we operate as specialists for specialists!
Brownian Motion works with leading DAX companies and medium-sized companies so that a wide range of positions can be covered. Our geographic focus is on the DACH region. You can find our specialist areas of focus here.
With Brownian Motion you will have one specialist who will accompany you during the entire collaboration. Our specialists are very focused on specific areas. The need, industry and specialization of your company is compared to the know-how of our individual specialists and then the most suitable is allocated. This will then also be your key contact person. This allows for a long term relationship to be created.
Apart from the necessity of support in occupying specific positions, Brownian Motion thrives in providing multiple possibilities our clients can choose from. Our clients receive a comprehensive, individual consultation concerning their vacancies and the project strategy. Projects can also be carried out discreetly, without competitors knowing about the campaigns at hand. Specific headhunting campaigns are our speciality and can be carried out if the client wishes. Based on the expert knowledge of our recruitment specialists the search for our customer is adapted individually. The collaboration enables our clients to concentrate on their daily business.
Brownian Motion offers four different cooperation models based on the requirements and the difficulty of the mandate:
- Success-based Search:
Including database search, network screening, ad placement and the presentation of one or two candidate profiles who are interested in the position and correspond to the job profile.
- Exclusive Success-based Search:
In this case, the client expresses his confidence in Brownian Motion by not involving any other recruitment consultancies / agencies. In addition to the abovementioned services, this model is enhanced by the attendance of the recruitment consultants during the job interviews as well as a search for and presentation of profiles until the position is successfully filled.
- Direct Search/ Retainer:
This service is offered for positions difficult to fill. The staffing / filling of of these positions requires an especially intensive support with regard to job advertisements, direct approaches / contacting, analysis and similar services. On this occasion, the commission is split up into 3 rates: when placing the order, after the presentation of candidate profiles and subsequent to the signing of the employment contract by the candidate. The staggering might be determined freely.
- Package Solution:
The client is also able to arrange a kind of „Flatrate“ (agreement) in which a certain fee is fixed for example for 10 positions to be filled. There is also the possibility to agree upon a fixed comission per placement.
The commission calculation is based on the annual gross salary of the candidate placed.
Brownian Motion offers the possibility to search and find employees discretely. You can start your search without letting your competition know in which areas you are expanding. The anonymity also does not spread your name on the candidate market, which often creates a very “needy” appearance.
Due to the established experiences of our advisers Brownian Motion possesses extensive networks of international and highly qualified professionals and executives in the areas FINANCE, ENGINEERING, IT, MARKETING and ENERGY. These core areas of expertise at the same time form the pillars of Brownian Motion.
Built upon these pillars is our independently designed internal database which was specially intended and is constantly further developed for our intention; this being the expansion of a globalized network of candidates and clients that shapes upon mutually beneficial relationships. The worldwide interlinkage of Brownian Motions Network is centralized around and always available to our advisors. In view of our continuous expansion our Recruitment Specialists report on a persistent candidate inflow from the many regions of the world. Thus, Brownian Motion is able, within very short time periods, to sight suitable candidates dependent upon their experience and preferences and efficiently introduce them to vacant positions.